Concrete Service

Combine your floor deck and concrete installation into one package

Thru Deck Concrete Service

We offer clients a comprehensive service comprising the metal deck, shear studs, reinforcement, concrete and roof deck as a complete solution.

Thru Deck Services have an experienced management structure and specialist placing / finishing teams solely responsible for integrating the concrete topping element into the deck package ensuring that these benefits become reality. Associated concrete toppings are co-ordinated in conjunction with the decking and shear stud installation operations, which not only maintains continuity of service for the client but also ensures a quick and seamless process.

What We Do:

  • Single point responsibility – Reduced coordination between work packages
  • Increased programme certainty and reduced contract administration
  • Composite concrete slabs with traditional mesh fabric/loose bar or steel fibre reinforcement
  • Internal  floor slabs / Suspended / Structural or non-structural toppings to pre-cast planks